Flow Meters

Your flow meter specialists. We sell and service many brand names of flow meters. When choosing flow meters, one should consider such factors as the different types and service availability.

Thunder Struck Bumpers

Thunder Struck Bumpers is a leading manufacturer of heavy-duty grille guards, front-end replacements, front bumpers, rear bumpers, and accessories. They manufacture a range of bumper styles to meet the wants and needs of every customer.

Island Lawn and Snow

Lawn care in during spring, summer & fall months. Snow removal during the winter months. We use well qualified and experience employees to do the best work for the job needing done. 

We Sell and Service these Quality Products…

Altoz lawn mowers, Flow Meters, Thuderstruck Bumpers, Island Lawn & Snow (lawn care & snow removal)

Get It Done With Us

Tri City Meters, Inc. (TCM Inc.) has over 29 years of experience working with Flow Meters. Mark Vanosdall, President of Tri City Meters, Inc. started the company in 2002. With our primary focus being a service company, we have worked with other NRD’s in the state who state our routine maintenance program has reduced their number of repairs per year by more than 75%!

Give us a call. We would be happy to help you out.
You can reach us at the office at 308-379-2013 or my cell phone at 308-379-9989.
You can also email us at [email protected].